Impact companies to watch in 2024
Every year, we come across amazing impact driven companies who are working towards pushing the frontiers of impact. In December, we highlight the ones that really wowed us.
01 NoPalm Ingredients More02 AloraMore03 CellinoMore04 ArkeonMore05 MicroendoMore06 Kelvin Health More07 AirForestryMore08 AMPD EnergyMore09 General PrognosticsMore10 Trident DesalMore11 SunGreenH2More12 Menten AIMore13 EX-Fusion14 Puna Bio 15 Magrathea Metals More16 ZwitterCoMore17 DioseveMore18 UcaneoMore19 Pavakah EnergyMore20 QarbotechMore21 ImmunocureMore22 Carbix23 KyomeiMore24 Advanced Microbubbles25 Code of NatureMore