Molecular Attraction
Bio-attractant discovery company helping combat Malaria
Worldwide, nearly 500,000 deaths per year are caused by mosquito-borne diseases and 67 percent of all malaria fatalities are children under the age of five. Climate anomalies continue to enforce the problem, providing ideal ground for mosquitoes to reproduce.

- SectorBiochemistry and immunology
- CountrySweden
- Entry2021
- Web
- Founding team
- EQT Deal Partner
- EQT Deal Expert
- EQT Deal Associate
Molecular Attraction
About the solution
Worldwide, nearly 500,000 deaths per year are caused by mosquito-borne diseases and 67 percent of all malaria fatalities are children under the age of five. Climate anomalies continue to enforce the problem, providing ideal ground for mosquitoes to reproduce.
The solutions currently available on the market to fight mosquitoes are not environmentally friendly, therefore exacerbating the problem. Molecular Attraction’s vision is to implement sustainable technology to control vector-borne diseases and create eradication strategies without affecting other species or the environment more broadly.
Molecular Attraction has identified biological compounds which can change the behaviour of vectors. The patent-pending chemical blends are powerful but environmentally-friendly as they do not eliminate other insects like honeybees and butterflies but target designated creatures only.
By altering the behaviour of vector organisms, such as mosquitoes, ticks, flies, or rodents, Molecular Attraction helps defeat vectors, whether they are carrying deadly diseases or are just inconvenient for people, pets, livestock and crops.
Through the combination of two compounds developed by Molecular Attraction, mosquitoes can be attracted to feed on specifically altered substances, which can be altered to be eliminating for this species, but harmless to any other animal, humans or the environment. Thereby, the transmission of Malaria can be prevented without affecting the surrounding.
EQT Foundation’s investment
With EQT Foundation’s support, Molecular Attraction has been able to conduct open field trials, PoC evaluation and to advance its research to a stage where the intellectual property can be secured through patent application. In collaboration, EQT foundation will help Molecular Attraction develop a dual business model, where the use of their products in developing nations where it has life saving potential via the defeat of Malaria, can be subsidized through the sale in developed nations where Mosquitos are seen as unpleasant, e.g. on golf courses, resorts etc. EQT foundation is thrilled to partner with the Molecular Attraction team on its next stage of the business and their go to market strategy.