General Prognostics
Revolutionizing remote chronic disease management with the world's first AI-driven Bloodless Blood Tests
What is the Challenge?
Heart failure is a chronic and progressive condition that affects over 26 million individuals globally. These patients constitute 30% of global hospital readmissions, totaling $6.6B in costs in 2019, and tripling by 2025. Less than 1% of Heart Failure patients are on optimal guideline directed medical therapy (GDMT) due to poor remote monitoring options, causing patients that could otherwise be stabilized to end up readmitted. Current Heart Failure remote patient monitoring options are ineffective due to inaccuracy, user burden, and cost. Clinical studies have shown that maintaining optimal GDMT reduces hospital readmissions and improves long-term mortality. The key to increasing the number of patients on optimal GDMT is to inform cardiologists via effective remote monitoring about patients who are not responsive to their current therapy, such that it may be updated and optimized.Could remote monitoring be the key to keeping cardiologists informed about their patients' therapy responses more effectively?