
Revolutionizing forest thinning with high-capacity drones, reducing forest fire risk and enhancing the forest’s sequestration capacity

What is the Challenge?

Despite enhanced energy efficiency investments, the building and construction sector's energy consumption and CO2 emissions have hit an all-time high post-COVID-19. This widens the gap towards the 2050 decarbonization goal. But what if the sector could achieve significant emission cuts by improving energy performance, and reducing the tailpipe emissions, including the carbon footprint of construction?

What is the Solution?

AirForestry has introduced a novel approach to forest thinning using electric harvesting drones, which significantly reduce environmental damage. These drones gently debranch and cut trees without harming the ground or nearby vegetation, a process that is not only faster but also beneficial for nutrient retention in the forest. By allowing branches and needles to naturally decompose on the forest floor, this method enhances the nutrient cycle within the ecosystem.

This innovative solution is set to substantially lower carbon dioxide emissions and energy consumption, with the potential to reduce over 150,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions annually in Sweden. The 100% electric drones utilize efficient motors and batteries. AirForestry's solution enables an increased net storages in Sweden up to 20Mton CO2 per year by allowing more vital trees to remain and grow. Additionally, this drone-based thinning method improves the working conditions for operators, offering better ergonomics and safety. This technological advancement represents a significant shift towards more sustainable forestry practices. AirForestry is gearing up for a commercial launch, having received the necessary regulatory approvals, marking a move towards sustainable, fossil-free forestry.