Charly is a financial equality software that prevents financial inequalities born out of parenthood, particularly for women.
Charly’s mission is to create financial freedom for women and improve the lives of families, beginning with pension inequality.

- SectorSoftware
- CountrySweden
- Entry2022
- Web
- Co-FoundersLisa Malmrose and Alexandra Karnig
- Deal Responsible
- Deal Responsible
- Deal Responsible
Financial inequalities born out of parenthood, particularly for women. The gap in average lifetime earnings for men and women is substantial, with women receiving, on average, 59% of men's average lifetime earnings. The way families divide responsibilities, such as parental leave, part-time work, and staying home with sick children, could give rise to economic inequalities between the partners, leading to a sub-optimal relationships where one is more economically dependent on the other.
Charly aims to help women achieve financial freedom by building equitable financial products for households. By helping parents understand the economic effect of how they divide family responsibilities such as parental leave, part-time work and staying home with sick children, Charly wants to create financial freedom for women and improve the lives of families. The parent who spends most time at home with the children, on average receives EUR 135,000 less in lifetime income.
With a unique platform, calculating and visualizing the economic effect these choices have on lifetime income, Charly offers a "Love Insurance" to compensate for the inequalities. The insurance is a long-term savings plan in which the partners, together as a couple, set aside savings to make up for the unequal division. The insurance also ensures financial compensation in case of separation or divorce. With the mission to bring financial freedom to women and reducing the gap between men and women's lifetime income, Charly’s solution gives families the opportunity to take action and become more financially equal.