Windfall Bio

Using methane-eating microbes to transform methane emissions into sustainable solutions

What is the Challenge?

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, with 86 times the warming potential of carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. Despite its significant impact on climate change, methane emissions—particularly from agriculture, landfills, and industrial sources—remain under-addressed, not to mention most methane that is emitted today is too dilute and low quality to capture economically.

What is the Solution?

Windfall Bio, Windfall Bio has developed the first-ever solution to remove climate-harming methane emissions with its nature-based solution that harnesses mems (methane-eating microbes) to transform methane from any source into valuable outputs, like fertilizer for organic farming, carbon credits, or progress toward sustainability goals. With Windfall Bio’s solution, any methane-intensive industry—such as oil & gas, agriculture, and waste management—can reduce their methane footprint while operating more efficiently and improving their profitability and environmental impact.

Windfall’s solution makes sense for both small and large operations and can be easily and rapidly scaled across the globe—providing a low-cost, low-maintenance solution to transform methane emissions which are currently regarded as waste. Their innovative process demonstrates how biotechnology can turn a major climate threat into a scalable solution that benefits both the environment and the economy.